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The dairy industry has been disguising the truth for years in their advertising that claims calcium is essential for healthy teeth and bones. How can this be right when we all know elderly folk who have consumed dairy products their whole lives yet break bones from even a simple fall.

The reality is that we are swamped in calcium. We consume 20 times more than we need and so a lot of it gets deposited in our soft tissues; in arteries and veins, in ducts and organs as stones. Magnesium is crucial in balancing calcium intake and we consume far too much calcium and insufficient magnesium.

It can’t get into our bones unless we have an active, absorbable, effective form of magnesium to activate vitamin D which only then moves calcium into our teeth and bones. But this is not the whole story that the dairy industry glosses over. Once calcium gets into our bones it is only structurally integrated when vitamin K2 and more magnesium transforms the calcium molecules into a compound called calcium-magnesium hydroxyapatite. Only this then gets incorporated into the collagen matrix that gives bones their strength.

And magnesium does so much more. It is part of the energy molecule, ATP and without this magnesium-bound ‘fuel’ we will feel physically tired, mentally overwhelmed or suffer a wide range of things from moodiness, migraines, muscle cramps, twitches, restless legs, poor blood glucose control, insulin resistance.

All these varied conditions arise because magnesium is essential for over 325 enzyme reactions and 800 biochemical pathways at last count – reactions that power our lives.

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