Grevillea Old Gold
A compact shrub with striking golden green leaves, accented by vibrant new growth and adorned with abundant coral pink blooms year-round.
Perfect for inclines or barren patches, it can be planted every 75cm for low hedges; ideal for container growing in hot, arid regions.
Hardy in frosts, and tolerates harsh coastal conditions. To prevent leaf scorch, nourish with a low-phosphorus native fertilizer in spring and summer, watering thoroughly afterwards.
Some varieties may irritate sensitive skin. Wear protective clothing when handling.
Botanical Name: Grevillea ilicifolia x juniperina Common Name: Old Gold
Width: 1.5
Flowering Period: All year
Soil Type: Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Well-drained
Climate Zone: Sub-tropical, Warm temperate, Cool temperate, Mediterranean, Semi-arid
Growth Pattern: Evergreen, Mound-shaped