Pinus Radiata
Pinus radiata, commonly known as Monterey pine, insignis pine, or radiata pine, is a highly versatile and rapidly growing softwood species.
Its desirable lumber and pulp qualities have made it a popular choice for a variety of uses.
While extensively cultivated as a plantation timber, P. radiata faces threats to its natural range from the pine pitch canker fungus.
In its wild habitat, it typically reaches 15-30 m in height but can grow up to 60 m in optimal conditions.
Originally named Pinus insignis or "remarkable pine," it has proven to be a valuable and easily grown tree, producing higher yields in a shorter time than many other native species.
The wood of radiata pine is non-porous with long fibers, though the name "softwood" is misleading as it is actually harder and denser than some hardwoods.
Native to North America, P. radiata grows naturally in Southern California and two small islands off the coast of Mexico