Coral Creeper - Kennedia Coccinea seeds
Scientific Name: KENNEDIA coccinea
Common Name: Coral Creeper
Alternative Common Name: Coral Vine
Family: Fabaceae
Height: Can reach up to 2m (7′) when supported, while width can reach up to 2m (7′) when growing on the ground.
Description: Known for its stunning display as an evergreen climber, hanging vine, or ground cover, this plant boasts slender, twining stems and branches with soft green leathery leaves.
Flowers: During spring, tall stems produce dense clusters of vibrant coral pink, orange, and deep red flowers.
Soil: This hardy plant can thrive in various soil types, including limestone and sandy soils. Aspects: Low maintenance and adaptable, it can be grown in full sun or shaded areas and can withstand dry spells with occasional watering.
In cold and frost-prone regions, it's best to sow indoors or after the risk of frost has passed.
Habitat: Thrives in various habitats throughout Australia, including Tasmania.
To promote germination, soak seeds in hot water for one night, then remove swollen seeds. If necessary, soak unswollen seeds in hot water again until they swell.
Plant 2 or 3 swollen seeds into each small pot filled with moist, sandy soil, about 6mm deep.
Keep soil consistently moist and use clear polythene to trap warmth and moisture.
Place pots in a warm, shaded area.
Landscape: A versatile and visually appealing plant for open gardens, rockeries, balconies, courtyards, patios, and as a dense ground cover or in hanging baskets, trellises, or elevated pots. Can also be trained as a vine.
Cultivation: Germination can take 1-8 weeks; remove polythene once germination occurs. Protect seedlings from snails and transplant once they reach 7-8cm (3") in height. Water regularly until established.